Vet Image Solutions, passionate about ultrasound.
Tag 'Cat'
3 tips for a healthy feline diet
If you're a cat owner, you know that felines have particular dietary needs. The good news is that there are many healthy feline diet options available, including both wet and dry foods. However, if you want to be sure your cat is getting everything she needs from her food sources, here are some tips for making smart choices about what kinds of food items your kitty eats
How do I know if my cat is pregnant?
If you’re not an experienced feline breeder, it can be hard to know what signs in your animal’s health to look out for that indicate they are pregnant. If you suspect your cat is pregnant, our guide will help you understand the symptoms and the best way to care for them.
Why does my cat sleep so much?
Cats naturally sleep for fifteen to twenty hours a day, and kittens may even sleep for twenty-two. Cats are mostly light sleepers and need more of it, but this way they’re always ready to pounce when food scuttles by.
3 top tips for keeping your cat safe when moving house
Moving to a new house is a stressful time for everybody, yet it can be even more difficult for those of us with feline friends.
Benefits of ultrasound for cattle
Any farmer and livestock breeder recognises the importance of maintaining good animal health, but the diagnosis of common conditions is often difficult.
4 pieces of essential advice to give first time cat owners
We all want our pets to be happy and healthy, but for first-time cat owners, it can be a daunting task to figure out exactly what they need to keep their feline friend happy. There are lots of pieces of advice that as a professional you could give. Below we highlight some specific and useful pieces of advice that you can give a first-time cat owner to make sure their new cat or kitten stays content...