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Tag 'Pregnancy'

How to tell if your dog is pregnant

As a dog owner, it's important to be able to tell when your dog is pregnant, so you can prepare and care for them as needed. There are several ways in which owners can tell if their dog is pregnant, some of which are laid out below.

How do I know if my cat is pregnant?

How do I know if my cat is pregnant?

If you’re not an experienced feline breeder, it can be hard to know what signs in your animal’s health to look out for that indicate they are pregnant. If you suspect your cat is pregnant, our guide will help you understand the symptoms and the best way to care for them.

5 signs that your cat is pregnant

5 signs that your cat is pregnant

Similar to humans, cats have periods of peak fertility where their chances of getting pregnant are much higher than usual, and these seasons happen about once every three weeks.

Why dog breeders should consider investing in a home ultrasound scanner

Why dog breeders should consider investing in a home ultrasound scanner

The confirmation of a dog's pregnancy is the start of an exciting journey for breeders. However, the anticipation of how many puppies to expect, how they are developing and ensuring the bitch is kept in the best possible health during her pregnancy can be a little overwhelming.

Monitoring the Pregnant Mare: How Often Should You Ultrasound?

Monitoring the Pregnant Mare: How Often Should You Ultrasound?

For most horse owners, breeding your own foal is a lifelong ambition. Before you ever proceed to the actual covering, you’ll have spent hours assessing your mare to identify her best points, have researched dozens of different studs to work out which stallion will complement her best, and will have had a breeding fitness exam performed to make sure she’s fit and healthy. 

Farm animal ultrasound scanning and biosecurity

Farm animal ultrasound scanning and biosecurity

The importance of biosecurity in farm animal scanning.

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