Vet Image Solutions, passionate about ultrasound.
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The Acclarix AX8 high end colour Doppler system for veterinary echocardiography is the latest release from Edan’s Silicon Valley-based research and development team.
The Acclarix AX8 high end colour Doppler system for veterinary echocardiography is the latest release from Edan’s Silicon Valley-based research and development team. With 128 transmit and receive channels (what are ultrasound channels? Read our article here) and exceptional computing power, the image quality of the Ax8 makes it second-to-none for cardiac imaging. The AX8 also boasts some of the very latest imaging technologies, including:
- Adaptive B-mode and Doppler imaging, whereby the scanner compensates for phase (arrival time) errors. One study showed that this led to a 26.2% average improvement in resolution on point-like targets (Dahl et al., 2006).
- Harmonic imaging – read our article here
- Speckle reduction imaging. Speckle (a result of constructive and destructive interference from backscattered echoes) creates ‘noise’ in the image, and reduces contrast, degrading the diagnostic utility of the image (Park et al., 2014). The AX8 includes a powerful algorithm to reduce speckle, without compromising on resolution.
- Spatial compound imaging – read our article here
- Panoramic imaging, perfect for viewing enlarged structures
- Needle visualisation
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