Did you know that cats' teeth need love and care just like ours? In fact, it's extremely common for cats to develop gum disease after years of tartar buildup. You can even get special little feline toothbrushes and fish-flavoured toothpaste (which sounds gross, but it goes down a treat).

The first line of defense against feline gum disease is your furry friend's diet. Animal nutrition is very important, and dry food is of particular concern here. Sadly, most cat biscuits aren't designed with oral health in mind and form a mushy paste-like substance when they're being chewed. This paste then sticks to cats' teeth and becomes a breeding ground for plaque.

Diet, diet, diet

So what is a "good" dry cat food? To begin, we recommend you look for a product that is designed specifically to reduce plaque buildup. Various brands offer such food, so make sure to check your local pet supermarket. Cat food designed to reduce plaque stays crunchy, and the chewing motion grinds the food against your cat's teeth, grinding away any plaque buildup in the process. This can prevent plaque buildup and can drastically reduce the amount of tartar present if your cat is already suffering from gum disease.

Tooth brushing

There are situations where a little toothbrushing may be necessary, particularly if your pet has already developed gum disease. At this point, we'd recommend approaching your vet to ask them how to clean your cat's teeth.

When you're brushing your cat's teeth, you want to start slow. Introduce the toothpaste by offering a small amount on your finger. Let your cat get used to the flavour and texture over a couple of weeks. Once they are comfortable, offer them a soft-bristled toothbrush with paste applied. Again, let them slowly get used to the texture of the toothbrush by allowing them to lick the paste off, and do this for another couple of weeks. Once your cat is comfortable with this, you can attempt to slowly and gently brush your cat's teeth in circular motions. Time and patience are required, but having a happy cat is worth it.

How can we help?

If you or your vet has identified an issue with your cat's teeth, they may need an X-ray or other type of imaging. At Vet Image Solutions, we can help, so get in touch to see how we can get your feline friend back to their prime.

Image by Pitsch via Pixabay